Saturday, July 25, 2020

Can't Travel Because Of Covid19

Saturday was quite slow for me and I have to work extra shift (second day) today.

I got home this morning from work feeling so tired and fatigued. My shift last night was just crappy because I was so madly busy and it was my first night back (and I am doing an extra shift). Since the emergence of the Covid19 that had devastated the whole world and had affected the traveling industry, I took advantage of the moment working extra shift since I have nothing to do at the apartment.

At least I can save an extra more money for my next planned trip. Per my mom, "You have to prudently save for the rainy seasons." I felt that I am just lucky enough to have a job right now. Other people were just struggling enough finding their ends meet and it's so heartbreaking to see how they succumb to the mental, financial, and health devastation and anguish intentionally caused by this very virulent virus.

If Covid19 did not existed, I should be traveling by now. The world got shocked how fast it spreads from Wuhan, China to every remote parts of the world. Every country had been faced with some major issues on how to curtail or abate the spread of the virus. And the most hit country was USA because people here were just too stubborn to heed the recommendations and stipulations of WHO and CDC. The inevitable widespread public distrust with the government had severely affecting the progress on the fight against Covid19, hence all aspects of people's lives was severely affected.

Now that America had topped the list of all the countries hit by the virus, a lot of countries had banned travelers from USA to set foot on their respective soils. What a shame for the Americans and what a pity for those who abided the law and for those who wants to travel abroad to escape the wrath of the most reviled pandemic of the century.

Now that the economy was low, unemployment was rapidly surging up, and of course people were angry at the government on how it handled the entire health issues, it is very difficult what to do as people were scrambling on how to approach this pandemic.

As an experienced nurse, I am also worried about possible major spread, even to the remotest places of the world. And as a traveler, I am also upset because a permanent ban of US travelers were globally imposed because of the high turnouts of positive infections in the whole country. Such a failure indeed to the leaders handling this issue!

In my honest opinion at this time, it is really unsafe to travel nowadays because of the presence of the virus everywhere. It is much better to stay at home for quite a while not until the curve will be totally flattened. I myself is scared to start traveling because of the sudden rise of the Covid19 cases in the US especially here in Los Angeles where I live. Despite how I am itching to go to another place right now I guess it is not advisable to do so at this time.

I have prudently canceled two of my travel flights lately to Switzerland and Korea. I really did not cancel it but had changed it into a voucher credit so that I can use it again on my next travel plans because if I cancel it permanently the airline will deduct 30% from the original price whereas if I convert it into vouchers they will only fine me $35.00 plus they will give me a year to reconvert it into another flight, which to me is more reasonable and practical.

I hope this pandemic will be over soon so that the travel industry will be fully operational and that my travel plans will be on the move again. Oh how I can travel normally again but despite it will come back anytime soon I guess traveling will not be the same again.

People will be more extra cautious as they travel and in severe cases will be more obsessive and paranoid of what things are happening in the society and community. It's just an irony that we could not really stipulate some regulations in the US because people were just literally naïve of the severity of the Covid19 cases that were happening in front of their eyes.

People were just insensitive enough of others who were being vulnerable for this virus, or they were just selfish enough not to cooperate with the authorities because to them they are an autonomous human being where they had forgotten that they're not just the only one living around. Shame to them whose selfish ideologies had put the USA in the limelight in the middle of the Covid19 pandemic for being the worse country hit by the virus. And this will be written down in the annals of history, believe me.

A Day In The Laundromat

I was pissed off with my landlord because the washing machine and dryer were broken and not working. I asked him what happened through the text message (because I could not talk to him in person due to social distancing protocol) and he only replied they were broken.

I have bunch of dirty clothes to launder today, because I had piled up my working scrubs so that I can wash them all at once to save coins and of course detergent powder.

But today is my doom unfortunately because both machines were not working and my landlord had failed to inform me in advance that they were broken to the hilt. I have to go out and wash them at the laundromat near where I live.

I woke up at 0600H, to get ready so that I can arrive at the place early before it gets crowded. I got there with just few people doing their laundry. It was cool because the wash needs to be paid and the dryer is free. I like this place because the cleaning lady always sanitized the tables and the machines. It was a pretty nice and clean place and very well maintained as I observed.

I did my laundry for two hours and I had to fold them and tuck them real good in the bags. It was an enjoyable stay at the laundromat and I had a blast. I might probably do it again. I have not done this for quite a while and I am just thrilled to have done it again.

It was an enjoyable laundry-ing. At least I got to do it without getting embarrassed. But still my landlord should have cautioned me that the machines were broken. He knows that I always have to wash my working scrubs every two weeks but he just doesn't care. He doesn't even realized that his house is rotting. Haist.

The laundromat was huge with a lot of machines around. The people comes and goes but the vivacity of the place was very enticing. Plus it was well maintained and the staff were very attentive to their client's needs. No wonder people here just comes and goes. By the time I left the place the parking lot was full and the place got pack all of a sudden despite of the community looming issues about Covid19.

Hopefully my landlord can have the washing machine and dryer repaired or better yet buy a new one....just a suggestion. Lol!

Thankfully God will provide and all will be back to normal. This Covid19 had greatly affected my live and the lives of many people as well around the world. And it is just pitiful to see how few people had reacted and resisted to it as shown in the TV news and social media outlets.

At least I have my dirty clothes washed and I did my chores today. I am now free of dirty clothes and will do it again in two weeks. What a great day at the laundromat. Thank God!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

My Last Night For This Week At Work

Tonight is my third night and it means I have to be off tomorrow. I gave up one patient from my assignment last night because he was converted into ICU status. So that leaves me eight patients but still they were heavy. 35B was converted into ICU status because of unstable heart rate and blood pressure. I got Alicia as my LVN and Troyae as my CNA. Troyae is pretty brand new so I have to help her a lot.

Initially, I got really busy because of a lot of new orders and abnormal labs. I see to it that every labs were reported by the AM shift and that the orders were been carried out. Then after I passed all the IV meds and did my assessments and nursing actions everything had slowed down drastically.

I have to give blood transfusion though on 34A because of hemoglobin level of 7.0. The first unit was given by the AM shift and I have to give the second unit. His vital signs especially the blood pressure fluctuates a lot. Sometimes systolic goes down to low 90s and sometimes stayed at above 100s. Very finicky BP. He is tachycardic though ranging for above 100s to low 120s. I have to focus on him more.

Again I felt so tired despite that I slept a lot today plus I took some Tylenol PO before I left the apartment to alleviate my body aches and soreness. It made some relief initially then my fatigue sets in after 2300 and I was yawning a lot which I really cannot stop so I decided to go to my car and took a 30-minute nap which had helped tremendously to keep me going for the rest of the night.

After my nap, I helped Troyae changed and bathed the patients then Alicia took over after she went back form break. It was tiring but I have to keep going. Three more hours then my shift will be over. Can't wait to have it happen. II just finished checking my nursing actions again checking for any due interventions to be signed, observe, done, and signed. Then I went on my second break.

At 0600, I will wrap up my charting, nursing actions, MAR, and I&Os. Then I'll be off. Yay!

My off is not really that an off because I will be working as an RN Supervisor at Sharon Care. I mean it is just an easy job, mostly paper works, hang IV's and controlled issues on the sides. Will do some paper works, hang IV antibiotics, care planning, do admissions, etc. I'll start at 1500 and finish at 2330. It is an 8-hour shift, very short compared to Kindred.

I've been doing this in quite a while (3-4 months or so) and so far my body is not exhausted. I made sure that I'm well rested everyday. But sometimes I felt fatigue so I have to take some anti-inflammatory agents to relieve me of some discomforts.

Doing like this quite a while had helped me saved a lot of money for future endeavors. I mean I had save a lot of money and I am very happy. I mean, I cannot travel these days because of Covid19 so I have to work extra to save money for my future travels. I already put up some business in the Philippines because of this money. And I am ecstatic about that as well. I only ask God for guidance and blessing to make it successful and prosperous. I couldn't complain more if that will happen. Love you Lord!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Under The Weather

I woke up feeling tired today. As if my back was so heavy and tense. I went to sleep early at 0930 and then woke up early as well at 0145. I just laid down on my bed and cannot sleep anymore. I tried to calm myself with soft music from YouTube and had put a cover on my eyes still I cannot go back to sleep. So I just stayed on bed and browse my Facebook.

I also felt like I'm feeling sick today but it is too late to call off so I brace myself to get at least an hour or half-an-hour sleep or rest. At 1640, I went to take a warm shower and then I felt good after that but still my body felt weak and tired. I didn't have any appetite at all. I decided to pass by KFC today so maybe I just munch something later on before at the parking lot.

I left the house at 1720, and the streets was kind of pack. There was a slight traffic along Western Avenue and then when I exited towards I-10 Freeway, the traffic was still the same on this Tuesday afternoon. When I exited towards La Brea Avenue still the traffic was the same and when I climbed the hills at Ladera Heights towards Slauson Avenue then the traffic was kind of waned a little bit. I still got early at the hospital parking lot at 1810. I was kinda hungry so I ate the little chicken sandwich and the chicken tenders that I bought at KFC.

At 1851, I went in the hospital to clock-in after the guard took my temperature. I'm still feeling tired but I'm here already so I have to make the best of it. I might try taking Tylenol later to ease the soreness and generalized aches that I felt. Maybe I overslept today and the aches was from too much lying down on the bed. Hahaha.

After the huddle, I reported at Center Wing to check the board for my assignment. Today I still have to keep 30A, 31A, 32B, 33AB, 34A, 35A, and they added 35B and 36B for me, making my assignment 9. My LVN is John and my CNA is Sulfise. It's a good team anyway. I gather all my data and then started to chart for my hand-offs and then checked the due meds that I needed to administer.

At 2030, the charge nurse told me that 30A will be transferred to 12B so I need to give report to the nurse in West Wing in charge of 12B which is Kim. I passed my IV meds first then went to West Wing to give report to Kim. Then after 30 minutes ICU transferred another patient to Room 30, which was just vacated by the previous patient. I called ICU and spoke to Are Gennie to get the report of the patient that was just transferred.

All nine patients were so heavy and I have to focus on the two patients that were hypotensive, one is bradycardic and the other one is tachycardic. The tachycardic one had a dialysis tonight and it has to be stopped because he became hypotensive gradually. The dialysis nurse has to give him some NS bolus until his systolic had reached above 90s. The bradycardic ones has also hypotension plus he is hypothermic so I have to turn on the warming machine and put the warming blanket on him.

After cleaning all the patient with the help of the CNA, I finally got my ass on the chair. Vital signs were been ok except those two that I mentioned earlier. Despite of being under the weather I am still here doing a pretty decent job. I can't believe my shift is almost over.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

First Day But Felt Worn Out

Came initially at work, feeling groggy because of lack of sleep. I was off yesterday. I was mainly asleep the whole day and most of the night then this morning I cannot sleep anymore. I was mainly up the whole day and can't sleep anymore and by the time I'm going to work I felt beaten. Haist.

I left the house early at 1810 and arrived at work at 1830. I still have time to rest at the parking lot. I passed by at El Pollo Loco earlier to buy something to eat because I didn't even eat lunch plus also some tacos for my break later at work. At the parking lot I munch some taco chips and guacamole, then chased it with diet coke then enjoyed the churros for dessert.

Then at 1851 I went in the hospital to clock in and attend the huddle. At the huddle we talked about the usual topic like the recent Candida Auris outbreak we have and the importance of repositioning every two hours. Then we heard a rapid response call in Room 34B, then the huddle was off.

After the huddle I headed to the Center Wing where I was assigned and initially on the board I was assigned at 31A, 32B, 33AB, 34AB (34B was just coded), and 35A. Then an hour after I got the report they changed my assignment because 34B was made into a satellite ICU. So I have to pick-up 30A, which is an ex-Covid19 patient who just came yesterday. His Covid19 test here was just done today but he was already Covid19 negative in the previous hospital where he came from. But still he is an ex-Covid19 patient so I won't gamble.

Damn.... this is what I mean happens during my first day. I don't know how unpredictable were my assignments are. I don't know how and what to expect actually. Things changes in any opportune time. It sucks sometimes but what can I do. A job is a job. Things just sucks lately.

I checked out all my patients, made my little notes, passed my IV meds, made sure everything is in place. I thoroughly made my assessments, signed my meds in the MAR, then did the nursing actions for billing and checked all my IV's were patent and working. I also checked the vital signs that my CNA had taken and checked for any abnormalities and artifacts, assisted the CNA for anything, checked the GT residuals if the patients had tolerated their feedings, checked the oxygen concentrations whether trached or room air, etc.

I was assigned to turn at midnight with Ken and found that there was a tear on the G-tube of the patient in 30A so I reinserted a new one and it was successful. I carefully checked the placement and the residuals and checked the belly for any protrusion or swelling and the patient for any intolerance and breathing problems. So far there is none. Thank God!

I took my break at 0145 but I did have any appetite to eat so I went to my car to have a 30-minute nap then after that I just get a cup of coffee and sipped it at the station just to warm and fill my stomach.

As the night had deepened it feels so cold inside the hospital and I feel real cold so I put on my hoodies but still felt really cold so I got another coffee to warm me up. Fortunately, the coffee did some miracle. It warmed me up a little bit and at the same time had made me very hyper vigilant. Hahaha. Then the night continue on form there.

It's just 0313 at this moment of the blog and the night is still young. Four more hours and my shift will be over soon. So far, it is well managed and uneventful. Knock on the wood..... nothing major will happen. Crossing my fingers and toes here.

Jack Sans Jill On All Seasons

"Jack sans Jill went up the hill,
to drop a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his bike;
and nobody went with him after...
Lalala...lalalala.... 3x"

An apt song for a daily or so situation I always saw when I go to work every afternoon. And here's how the story goes....

Every time I go to work at Kindred LA in Ladera Heights, I always saw this amiable guy along La Brea Avenue climbing up a quarter of a mile street going up to Stoker Avenue along La Brea Avenue, pushing his black bike with a red pail sitting at the back seat of the bike. I saw him on all four seasons (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) with the same situation slowly easing and climbing up the hill.

On Winter time, I saw him still in the dark with his black puffy jacket and gradually pushing up his bike with the red pail. I don't know what's in the pail but I am presuming that it pertains to his job or business. He painstakingly pushed his bike going up the steep hill huffing and puffing on the cold winter afternoon or night.

On Spring time, the same scenario is seen with his black puffy jacket on and black bonnet with the Spring flowers already sprouting and the trees with blooming flowers. Still this guy does not deter in pushing his black bike. His skinny physique was a pitiful site but still here's a man that is honorably making ends met despite of the chilly weather as he struggled mobilizing his goods to his delivery destination not minding the painful rewards of climbing the cruel steep hills of Ladera Heights starting from Slauson Avenue up to Stoker Avenue.

On Summer time, I can see him with his shirt's off, hiking the hill during the hot summer day with his sweat trickling down his face and his biceps were swelling while pushing his goods and his tight abs were really showing off proudly maybe due to the heavy load he was pushing up the hill. Having done this act for a tad long time, as what I've seen him all the time, his defined muscles was been emphasized more on his tall skinny physique. He was really a hardworking guy.

On the Fall season, he was still pushing his bike while the colors of the trees had changed. This guy still painstakingly and persistently do his usual thing with more dedication and perseverance. He inspired me a lot since the first day I saw him and I am planning to talk to him one day and interview him. Hopefully, I can talk to him in the future.

But as I drove along everyday, this man and his hapless sight when he climbed up the hill had greatly stirred my human feelings and senses and had inspired me to be strong willed just like this man. He is not embarrassed in what he does and he is more determined to deliver his goods all the time. I wonder what he really does, hence, I planned to chat with him one of these days.

The song "Jack and Jill" had inspired me as well but in this situation it's without Jill. (Please see the intro verses.) The steep hills of Ladera Heights that he climbed, his amiable persona takes Jack, and the huge red pail on the bike seat which he was pushing uphill and the black bike that he painstakingly been pushing were all described in the intro verse.

I am in awe of my literary creativity here but it all suits well on this inspiring guy. Hehehe.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Confusion In A Limbo

One hour after I got the report, had made my rounds, and did some of my assessments on my assigned patients, the supervisor had made some new revisions of the assignment on the assignment board. I was really upset and furious because she made a mess of my assignment just to accommodate one of the RN not to take the ICU patient that will be moved out from ICU going to room 35B.

They should have made that earlier, before we started the shift. It was just too upsetting for me to know that she favors the other RN. Haist... I was already very confuse because of so much things to do for my assignments and at the same time I already started working on them. Not dilly-dallying here, Ok. Now I have to re-adjust my assignment again just to cater for the favoritism issue of this supervisor. They always pick on me because I am a person who doesn't talk and complain so much. But today, I lost my cool and they tasted my wrath. Hahaha.

I just had a minor spat with the house supervisor telling her that my assignment's acuity was very very high and that she should have considered it before she changed the assignment. I explained to her that I have to start an IV for a recently amputated patient who is agitated and restless and had pulled out his midline IV access, that I have to cater for the needs of a super alert quadriplegic patient who always clucks his mouth continually when calling us for help because he cannot move and press the call light, that I have to look for a very evasive sling (I cannot find anything in the whole building) for a very demanding elderly guy who had dislocated (I don't have an idea how he incurred it) his right shoulder, that I have to fix the wound vacuum of the patient with a large nasty crater on his sacral area, that I have to change the PICC line dressing of an alert trached woman who always asked for her PRN Ativan IV push on time and never missed it, and of course that I have to start the second unit blood transfusion of the patient that was transferred from ICU who has a very low BP, has super low HR, and a super super low body temperature. Waaaah..... why me!!!

My long night was really really super busy but I have to believe in myself that I can do it..... that I can survived it..... that I have the power in my hands to finish everything until 7AM tomorrow. Despite of my furious emotions and angry feelings I have to seriously go on my path in order to get over this shift. Anyway, I will be off tomorrow. Finally yay!!!!! And what a night to end my weeklong work. Haist....

Well, I got confuse initially because of the drastic change of assignment by the house supervisor yet I managed to do it valiantly and miraculously. My super relax attitude and my quick witted thinking had finally bore some fruits... which per se a fruit of labor.... a coup de grace. Now I have time to make and write my blogs and had a real solo time to review my patient's new orders, lab reports, and check out some of the MD's progress notes.

I had a smooth sailing night despite of some tiny confusion in the beginning of the shift. Good thing that my calm approach to the situation and not panicked about it was just enough to tackle the problem. All my patients were finally comfortable and sleeping well. Thank God the shift is almost over. Ole! Ole!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Random Thoughts

Yes, I have to compile all my thoughts and put it into writing. Here are some of them:

Well, it's been a long time that I have not seen my family. A tad 6 years I guess. I miss them so very much. But in this Covid19 times it is impossible to travel across the Pacific Ocean and be greeted with a 14-day lockdown in the capital and in the islands. It will be futile. So I decided to cancel my flight for my October homecoming. Everything was been planned already and now that the second wave of the Covid19 infections had surged up, traveling was nearly impossible and less likely to happen.
My little sister is critically sick. She has diabetes and she is really stubborn. My cousin had messaged me through FB Messenger that she was coughing badly and it made me worried because of Covid19. I was so paranoid so I decided to send money to have her checked up. Good thing it was not Covid19. The cough was just due to acute bronchitis. However here BUN and creatinine were critically elevated which almost can be related to acute kidney injury or failure. I scolded her on the phone blaming her that she is not helping herself eating prohibited foods against her diabetes. She also had gained enormous amount of weight, and was not really compliant with her meds. I am very upset, worried, and mad about her mismanagement of herself. It seems that I need to get more convincing power to make her more mature and responsible for herself.
My nephew from Dubai had messaged me because she wanted to borrow $1000 from me because she doesn't have a dependable job right now because of the emergence of the pandemic. The warehouse that she worked at in Dubai had temporarily shut down of close because of the occurrence of pandemic. I told her that it is really a huge amount of money and I am also quiet tight at this time because all my savings was invested in the piggery project in the Philippines. It ended up I only gave her $200. I told her it's a gift not a loan. She was happy in the end.
Last July 11 was my foster parent's 76th birthday (Tita Cely's) and I called and spoke and talked to her on the phone for a tad long time. She was very happy because she received a lot of calls from her friends and families, and had obtained myriads of gifts and birthday greetings from all over the country from some of her acquaintances. She was also very ecstatic because I send her a beautiful flower cake and 3 mylar balloons with "Happy Birthday" greetings which she liked so much. I asked her to get some pictures and send it to me for me to see. She told me that she also liked the preserved roses I send her during Mother's Day in May and she said it is still looking fresh. Wow!

Yeah, I have put up some of my savings for a big project with my cousins in Batangas. I have to provide the net capital and they will tend for the business for me. The project was a piggery. A huge huge and famous one. I have to buy 60 piglets and they will be fattened and grown for hauling and consumption after 4-5 months. I spend almost $6,000.00 in the beginning just to buy the piglets sans the feeds. For the feeds I have to put up and send $500.00 every week for 4-5 months until the pigs were ready to be reweighed and sold. It was a great gamble for me and hopefully, the Lord God will provide and help me with this very important project for me.

I just got back from a brief vacay from Las Vegas despite of the heightened level of Covid19 in the state. I flew and left Los Angeles because I was extremely so stressed out. I booked a room at the Treasure Islands Hotel along the strip and just slept there all day long, watching my favorite Netflix shows, and then eat at some of the chic restaurants enjoying the food and the place. I even met my best friend and her daughter and we ate dinner at Cut Resto at the Palazzo Hotel. I am fully recharged when I got back to Los Angeles not really ready to come back to work. Hehehe.
I canceled all my two pending flights or trips in September to Switzerland and in October to the Philippines because it is highly unlikely that I can enjoy it because of the surge of Covid19 in the United States and around the world. Because of this most of the European countries will not accept tourists from America for the meantime. I was heavily penalized or inadvertently charged for a big fee due to the cancellation, but what can I do. I just don't want to gamble myself and regrettably lose a job when I come back in the mainland. Money gone to waste but I hope it is the right decision to make at this time. I mean it is not practical to get penalized but it is the right thing to do. At least I got back some or part of the money I paid initially.

Well, I've been assigned again to a Covid19 patient... my second Covid19 patient (please see previous blog). Well, work is work... I cannot do anything about it. I just wanted to have this shift get over and then go home. T'was a nice night though and I had survived the whole shift anyway. Bravo to me! Alas... I hope I did not contract the virus. Hehehe.
I also made a complaint at the payroll department lately because they did not pay me for two days of work regarding the extra day premium I did in the past and a one day for new hire RN orientation and preceptorship. Lindsay was kind enough to have spotted the mistake. Thank you Lindsay!!! Another complaint I made to Lindsay was the Covid19 Hazard Pay was not also reflected in my pay stub. Lindsay told me that Tammie had not okayed the premium yet. I told her that it was announced during our daily huddle that the nurses assigned to the Covid19 patients will be given a $5 per hour hazard premium. Lindsay told me that she will approach Tammie again.


Night Dreaming

Here I am at work, have nothing to do but dawdle and blog again. All my routines were been carefully done and my patients were been tucked away well and slept like a baby. It was an eerie quiet night. Much better than the boring night I had last night with the Covid19 patient.

At least I am really chilling real good and not having to worry about the virus flying and floating in the air when I fearfully entered the room. I felt like a paranoid blimp last night, had doubled up my head caps, doubled up my gowns, doubled up my shoe covers, made sure that my scrubs have no rips and holes, had doubled up my masks (surgical mask at the bottom, N95 mask on top) and lastly tripled up my gloves (small underneath, medium in the middle, and large on top). What a waste! Hahaha... isn't it hilarious?

Well, these days there were always a lot of uncertainties.... and I felt like I am Heisenberg (the Lord of Uncertainty). Actually, we don't know when will this pandemic will gonna end. And it is uncertain indeed! But the odds were too uncertain but I am certain it will end in an uncertain eventuality. Redundant... isn't it?

Oh, how I wish I could be traveling in Europe again by this time. I miss my lonely strolls in the streets of Paris and London, my unwinding adventures in the subways and railroad tracks in London, Paris, and Italy, my solo coffee rendezvous in a vintage restaurant in Budapest and the unending sipping of scorching hot tea in a medina in Marrakech, Fez, Casablanca, Essaouira, and Rabat, my giddy dancing in Old Town Square in the bustling city of Prague and the enormous zocalo in Mexico City, my unpredictable musings in the less crowded streets of Berlin, my castle and cathedral chasing in Austria, Romania, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Mexico, and everywhere, my swooning breaking point when I saw the handsome statue of David in Florence, my intrepid adventures in the souks of Chefchaouen and Casablanca, my greedy chocolate quenching adventures in Brussels, Antwerp, Lausanne, Geneva, and Brugges, my untimely oohs and aahs of the medieval towns and old streets in Romania, Bulgaria, and Thessaloniki, my strong willed odyssey of the ancient civilizations in Mexico and Greece, my cheesy escapades in Netherland and Switzerland, my crazy adventure when I hiked an active volcano in Ecuador while it's raining hail the size of marbles, my solo musings in the middle of Lake Atitlan in Panajachel, Guatemala, and many more colorful adventures that I've been through all these years.

At this time of pandemic, all that I do was to recall and reminisce all the nostalgic and memorable memories I've had. Oh I can't wait to go again to another place that I don't know to challenge myself of what to do and act at the same time, mingling with people and immersing with different cultures and mores.

Traveling had shaped my perspective of the world and the different people I've met. I became more aware of my surroundings, observing different behaviors and personalities which made me gauge my reactions when interacting in public. It made me more mature as an individual and made me more knowledgeable of the places that I've never been before. It also made me anticipate on what to do, making future plans and decisions to make my adventures more meaningful, memorable, and economical.

And yes, I just realized I am at work right now, working on a graveyard shift and night dreaming of my future escapades. Aah.... Covid19 had slowed down my (our) world and it's really hard to catch up now because everything doesn't come handy anymore. A lot of restrictions and regulations to follow for the benefit of everybody in general.

Aaah... maybe I was just selfish to think of myself with my previous travels when other people were having problems and difficulty supplementing their individual necessities at this very critical and crucial moment where most of the people around the globe doesn't have or is scrambling for a job. I am just fortunate enough that I have something to do and earn honestly at this very stressful circumstance in our history and detrimental part of our lives. Everybody's vulnerable I guess and so do I.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Canceling My Travel Plans

It's heartbreaking that I have to cancel all my travel plans for the coming months. I bought all those tickets with a discount thinking that the Covid19 situation will abate by the time I'm leaving for the travel but unfortunately it had gotten worst.

I am suppose to leave for Switzerland on 9/7/20 to 9/14/20 and to the Philippines on 10/5/20 to 10/27/20 but unluckily all the US citizens were banned in almost every country because of the surge in Covid19 cases currently all over the country. The curve was peaking and not flattening. It was very frustrating.

So tonight, I went to cancel both trips at the search engine where I bought it. They charge me 30%-40% for the penalty and it's hard to swallow the consequences.

I guess all my travel plans for the year 2020 might be on hold for the meantime because of this global pandemic that never stopped and has no solution at this moment. There were places that were back to lockdown and there were places that reopens cautiously fearing to initiate for another wave of spread.

The recent protests and riots by the "Black Live Matter" movement because of George Floyd's death was the key contributing factor for the emergence of the second wave. BLMs and Liberals blamed it on Trump because the latter did not do anything to abate the situation. That's what they claimed but to me I know what really happened.

Going back to my travel plans, well I just got back from a short getaway from Las Vegas just to unwind and escape the stressful issues from Los Angeles. It was a fleeting escape despite of the red alert Covid19 situation in the state of Nevada. I did enjoyed staying in my hotel watching Netflix and also strolling outside on the hot summer days when I got bored in my room.

It seems that my travel plans for this year will be on hold for an uncertain time but oh well, I hope it will be over soon so that I can resume what I used to do before. But it seems that it will take a while and it will not be as normal as before. That's my guess.... what's yours?

My Second Covid19 Patient

Last night, I was assigned to my second Covid19 patient. He is a 53-year-old male who was admitted several weeks already due to bowel perforation. His name is Fhroylahn Cahbhutho (was intentionally misspelled due to confidentiality reasons, and for my own record as well).

He had a history of testosterone replacement therapy due to his hypogonadism which his body did not tolerate thereby causing poratl vein, splenic vein, and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and eventually bursts due to wall weakening which eventually led to bowel perforation with underlying peritonitis and sepsis.

He came to us Covid19 negative and was been in the facility for several weeks where he developed extremely high fever which was only thought to be sepsis because he has a diagnosis for sepsis. When the MD ordered to test him for Covid19 the result came back positive.

He was even surprised why he had Covid19 because he knew he was tested at Cedars before he left and he was negative. How in the heck he got the virus while staying in the East Unit for a while.

For the record, he is on room air and was breathing fine, no complaints of headache, nor diarrhea, no respiratory problems, no anosmia and loss of appetite. Was noted to be euthermic and only complained that he was sweating occasionally.

Naturally, he was placed on total isolation and was assigned to only one nurse (which unfortunately happened to be me). I clustered all his care and attended to his needs so that I will only spend a minimal amount of exposure with him despite wearing the gears or PPE's for the Covid19. Of course I have to wear N95 mask, bonnet, shoe covers, gloves (doubled up), face shield and goggles, aprons, etc. Also observing proper handwashing technique and use of sanitizers when the hands are not really soiled.

Thorough precautions was observed and I always made sure that his colostomy bag was emptied so as not to have leaked it out to the skin resulting in changing the bag and also emptying the urinal with urine because he frequently voids in it.

He is an easy patient and has no complaints other than medicating him of his Dilaudid for pain every 4 hours PRN as ordered for moderate pain. He is not a complainer and was chill. I had a good night with this assignment. Thank God!