Thursday, September 24, 2020

Last Day Of Orientation

Today is the last day of orientation for my third orientee. Her name is JQ. I had her for 7 weeks and I am confieent she can do it on her own pretty much.

I feel good that another RN was been released in the quagmire condition of nursing. She's be nervous at first but I believed she will do right. She just needs a little encouragement and less monitoring. As long as she asked if she's in doubt, she'll be fine. And I told her that, not to assume but ask if she doesn't know.

With our 7 weeks company, I can attest that she pretty much do everything from making hands off, assessing the patient, pass meds, do some procedures, collecting specimens, keep everything on hand, etc. I always told her to check residuals before touching the enteral tubes, no matter what she is doing and to assess the condition of the abdomen. I also told her to firstly, assess the respiration first, which is the first thing to do, check the vent settings, the saturations, the chest rise and falls, the breath sounds, suction patients frequently, etc.

I also enumerated to her to do spot checks from head-to-toe and assess ABCDEFG which stands for Airway, Breathing, Cardio, Disability, Exposure/Education, Further Information, Goals. That's the only key that I always used when assessing my patients ad I am happy to pass it on to her. Which she complied with much resolve.  Yay...

As I parted with her tonight, I gave her a little memento to take on her nursing journey, one stainless bandage scissor and one stainless hemostat for removing very tight male adapters form the PICC lines. I'm glad she took it!

I also told her that if ever she needs any answers to her questions in the future she can call or text me anytime. I needed to assure her that I am not leaving her on the sides with a guarantee that I am always available just in case she is in a very tight spot.

I wish JQ good luck and welcome to the chaotic world of nursing!

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