Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Am Thankful

Well, it's that time of the year again that we must celebrate how thankful we are of our blessings each day. It's been a part of an American tradition brought by our founding fathers of this so called New World as a peace offering for the natives who once inhabit this great land.

To some, they call it "Turkey Day" because they get to prepare turkey to be shared by the whole family on the table during dinner time. It was a tradition long upheld for and was been celebrated by the whole American people wherever they are situated around the globe.

To some this is the time to be thankful of everything they have, of the blessings they got throughout the whole year, and for the success they committed. Not just the good ones but also for the bad ones because without them life would not be balanced.

For me being away with my immediate family is hard and I tend to celebrate it alone. I am just trying to mend my situation just to be with the spirit of the celebration. And I got used to it celebrating alone each year with myself. Even friends I call my own, if I have some, I totally shut them off me because I don't want to feel nostalgic about it. At least with myself I get to heal myself right away if I get emotional.

I don't know if this is a selfish act but all I do know is that I am just trying to protect myself and avoid myself got misinterpreted which I always gotten most of the time. I just don't want to hassle other people with my own problems and mishaps. I just wanted to take it all alone and cure it eventually as time will pass and it's always that way.

All I do is I just have to pray to Him intently and thank Him for everything He does to my life and my love ones on a day to day basis from this year and the years that had past. I always succumb myself to a heart to heart talk with Him all alone by myself spending quality time with Him for the whole day. And I am always glad I did it every time because have I not I don't know where I am at right now.

There were some heavy problems I have in the past which I myself had calculated could not do alone but I am glad I had surpassed it. That one I am most thankful of. There were times that I almost lose hope and almost gave up my faith and I am thankful I did not succumb to it and had intrepidly fought my life out of it. There were some times that the most darkest times in my life had clouded me and almost had won me over and I am thankful I continued the straighter path to come out towards the light and I admitted I struggled sometimes but I kept a level headed decisions to make it possible. All of that, I am thankful because of Him who gave me strength.

Life is no easy journey. We have to do our own course and believe me that course is not that easy. There were times that I stumbled several times yet I always stood up and continued it. There were times that I've almost given up but I have to think about the consequences if I do so. There were times that I always struggled about the challenges I am into but I just get on and learn from it even if it means defeat.

Defeat is not the end of it. It is not a dead end but a chance for us to take another alternate way. That's the alternative it offered us all the time. We always made mistakes along the way but it doesn't mean we have to give up with our challenges. Mistakes just merely means that we have to change our path in order to arrive to our goals. And I believe always that mistakes were always there for us to learn from it.

On this Thanksgiving Day I am so thankful that I am alive. I am thankful of the life that has sustained me to continue to do good to my fellows. That life is a gift that I needed to share with others and not keep or shut it away from them. That life is what makes the world go round.

I am thankful that I have a family to call my own and friends to lean on. Yet whatever they are I am so grateful to have them in my life. That they were there because they have a purpose for me. That they were His gifts to me because they are part of my life.

I am thankful because I lived on this earth. That there is life sustaining it. That the earth is everything for us and we must take care of it. The plants, the animals, the buildings, the air, the water, etc. I am thankful for everything He has created because it is beautiful to me.

I am thankful that I have a work I can call a job. Because without it I cannot continue helping my family to live life. That I am fortunate enough compared to other people who doesn't have a job to help their family and have no food at the table everyday.

I am very sorry for them that they have to live this way. I mean some tried to be good enough but they falter to do bad because they were compelled to do it out of hopelessness. I can't blame them but my heart goes out for them. They did not chose to be there but they have their options to do the right or the bad thing.

Everything is complicated around us but no matter what, we always have to think that He put the brain higher than our hearts because we have to make a lot of decision making before following what our heart says. It's that simple rule but it's hard to do for I myself was in a similar situation before.

Oh well...... I was just thankful for everything. No regrets in me because everything that happened to me makes the whole me and I made a choice which I learned a lot. I am thankful for everything that had happened to my life and that's the spirit of Thanksgiving Day for me.

Thanksgiving is not just counting my blessings but also realizing that I am a human being, prone to a lot of mistakes and is willing to change.

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