Thursday, December 24, 2009

Homestead Schools Annual Christmas Party

Sunday, December 20 was the set date for the annual Homestead Schools, Inc. Christmas Party and every batch were been invited to attend and participate in the program.

My Sunday started early in the morning meeting Batch 7 at Centinela Hospital Medical Center at 7 am for their clinical orientation in Obstetrics, Nursery, and Labor and Delivery Units.

I met up with them in the hospital's cafeteria and discussed with them their intended objectives for the term and the policies and guidelines to be followed while rotating there.

Then we started our unit tour and met with the appropriate personnel for each unit. They did their scavenger hunt and identified and located places for the equipments and supplies for each unit. I also introduced  them to each unit's charge nurses and also the unit set-up so that when they come back there next year they will know their surroundings.

After the tour I gathered them back in the cafeteria and had discussed to them their assignments when they come back next year. And then I dismissed them and told them that I will be checking their attendance at school later during the Christmas Party.

I went home and changed for my casual clothes then left the house and drove to Hawthorne where the school is. I first passed by Smart and Final and bought some packed green salads to bring for the party then headed straight to school. When I got there they were just starting the program.

Since it was past lunch time the management decided to start the lunch and then go on with the program after that. After seeing to it that every body had their food and had eaten, Ms. Sadang officiated the program.

Each batch presented some talent numbers which made the party more interactive and fun. Each batch presented some dance numbers, singing numbers, skit and play numbers, etcetera. The program was a huge success.

There were even games made and prepared to make the program more fun, and each winner were presented gift prizes. It was a very successful Christmas Party indeed!

The program presentation first prize went to Batch 12 where they present a modified skit about Wizard of Oz with a nursing twist, second prize went to Medical Assistants class which presented a chorus with a modified lyrics about medical assisting, and third prize went to Batch 10 who also presented a chorus with a modified lyrics about nursing. All in all the program was a success.

Then after that more games were been laid out with the participation of the students and the faculty. Some were also taking pictures, talking at each other, and also watching the games and programs. It was a time of enjoying away from the harsh reality of the classroom and clinical settings.

The students were so happy that programs like this were been put up for them to enjoy and to forget the rigors and worries of nursing life. It was indeed a success and thanks for Mr. Ignacio, Ms. Sadang, and the faculty for putting up such a good show.

After the program we headed to the library and started our white elephant exchange gifts and greeted each other about the essence of the holidays. It was a long day for us but it was perfectly timed because of the joys that the holiday had brought to each and every one's face. Happy Holidays guys!

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