Saturday, May 21, 2016


Haist.... It's been a while guys, huh. I know.... I have a lot to amend now. Oh, how I could handle this. But anyways, thanks for the support guys. It's great to know that you're all there behind the dark clouds, for I know when the night ends the sun will rise. Thanks for everything guys.

I am super happy that the elections in the Philippines culminated in a safe manner. The presidential position was unanimous and that the vice presidential post was the one that is on the wait. Hopefully, the Filipino nation is rejoicing at this moment because they have a president who is loved by the people and the only person that can help them with the common ills of the society.

Yeah, I borrowed the word from the election that was always been equated to the avid followers of the president elect Duterte. "Dutertards" is the word that always resonated in my mind. It has a lot of meaning but the best meaning that I could probably coin for it is the.... people who avidly followed Mayor Duterte, who is always on his back, and the one that will always defend him in social network from the latter's bashers.

I myself can be considered a Dutertard, because I support the beloved Mayor's ideologies and philosophies. He is one tough guy that can only straighten the problems of the Philippine society. With his 20 years track record as mayor of the city of Davao, I can say that the mayor is the only person fitted for the position. Now, I consider myself a Dutertard. Although, I don't have the knack to make comments in social media, I can consider myself as an observer, I guess.

There's also another meaning that was coming out on the online streams but it was negativity put meaning on. Dutertards was to them meant as retards who loyally follow a tough and foul-mouthed mayor. Such a degrading meaning but lo and behold it doesn't matter anymore because the Dutertards started to rise now because they won the victory in the end despite of myriads of criticisms from the elitists and the media.

It just that it was their last laugh in the end because the victors will rose up in the end. What an irony but it is the fact. Yeah.

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