Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hectic Life: My Life's Reality

Here we go again. Blogging my life. Seems that I have no escape from these busy and truncated daily routines. I have no say about it because I chose my life to be like this and I am resposible of all what I do. All I have to do is face it and dance with the tune of it. Sounds like a cliche but it's the truth. I have no qualms about it.

Well, starting from waking up in the morning until I go back to bed at night I have to accustomed myself that my life will always be truncated. I am quite used to it but I noticed that I'm quite tired of it actually as I aged. The mind is still willing but the body is tired already. I just have to hone up my senses and skills to tackle the challenges everyday. And I have no idea how I did it but I passed up the day with quite no problems but still some uncertainties were there but it doesn't bother me really.

I know I am a strong person and despite the odds I know that I can finish the job despite of some setbacks that will cripple my decision making but at the end of the day I still end up victorious. I may start from baby steps but it will add up and eventually you won't notice and the task is done. Time just passed by so fast and you didn't notice it was history already. And you'll ask, how did it happened?

That is exactly what I always uttered but it seems that I am the only one who can answer that questions anyway. So be it. Life is a drama, a mystery, a comedy, and many more. Life is what we make it and we have to be responsible of what we are doing. In the end it will be our decision that will utimately be made and nobody else can twist that, unless somebody is in charge of you.

Leave it or take it life is a gift. And let's make use of it to it's maximum use so that our life will be meaningful and memorable. A hectic life is what I chose so I have to accustomed myself to it. I love what my life has to offer to me and I love what I've learned from it. In the end, I am the one who made a close symbiotic relationship with my life and I'm reaping the success of that harmonious relationship.

Oh... how I love life. It ultimately level up my ideals and I value how it made me to be. Thank you Lord for being there all the time, to guide and thread me as I tackle all the hurdles in my life. I also thank you Lord for carrying me over during those times that I needed You to carry me..... that's why I ended up successful eventually. Thanks you Lord for everything that you have done in my life. Without You I am nothing......

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