Sunday, December 23, 2012

Message To PNHS Class 1987

This is the message I sent to my high school classmates for our 25th class reunion on December 29, 2012 which I cannot attend because of work reasons. It is our Silver Anniversary and I am not there. It is quite ironic because I wanted to attend but due to some unforseeable reasons from work I cannot attend it. It only happens ones and I will miss it greatly.

Although I am not there I am still thinking that I am there because I partly participated in putting up everything to make it a success and for this I was asked by my classmates to give them an inspiring message which I am including in this blog. And here it goes:

"To all the people gathered here tonight good evening. And to all my classmates of Class 1987 who are here, thank you for coming over and celebrate our 25th year anniversary after we left the portals of PNHS, our Alma Mater.

I felt so bad not being here with you tonight to celebrate this momentous occasion with you, but I know this would be a great success. My presence may not be here with you tonight but my thoughts of you celebrating this occasion gives me a lot of excitement and fulfillment. At least I’ve tried my very best to help you all the way and I hope it helped you all so much to make this night not just a great success but a night of togetherness and camaraderie amongst the Class of 1987.

Success couldn’t be measured alone with what comes out of the situation but it is the product of everyone’s efforts and contributions. I really appreciate your cooperation and participation for helping each committee to make their tasks and responsibilities easy and to at least procure every efforts they have to do their assigned tasks. To the new set of officers of Class 1987 kudos for a job well done. My hat’s off to all of you. To the officers and members of the PNHS Alumni Association I also thank you for trusting us for this night. To Mr. Rey Deatras, my former mentor, I also thank you for your untiring support to our class.

Twenty-five years ago, I still remember our happy faces during graduation. We are so fresh out of our youth not knowing what will happen to us after graduation. And as the years had elapsed we continue to tread our individual paths preparing for our own career choices. Some of us finished a degree and embarked on another journey to foster and nurture what they’ve tackled after college. Some went abroad to look for greener pastures. Some had made their own families and some preferred to stay here and be content with what they have. I am sure right now every one of us has his or her own stories of success to share here.

My own journey to success was also similar with some of you and the one thing that I haven’t forget as I ushered myself to be where I am right now is not forgetting the contributions of my dedicated teachers and playful classmates from high school. High school was the very best years that I’ve got and I cannot forget every experiences I’ve had during those times. I can still remember the inscribed lines at the entrance gate which is apt for us to emulate and thus we are here now to go back and share our experiences and blessings, reminiscing the old times and chuckle a little bit about some funny ones. It is so refreshing to have them recounted but above all I cannot forget God for being there all the time and not leaving me alone in times of my needs to face the realities of life.

I hope in the future that I can celebrate with you all and your families our future alumni homecomings albeit I am very very sorry to have not make it tonight. To each and every one of you my heartfelt apologies. I wish you a grand celebration and again thank you all for coming. Have a wonderful “masquerade” night. Ciao!"

I hope they'll like it. I am rest assured that the celebration will be a success. The theme of the program is "Masquerade Night" and it seems that every thing was been in order because all my classmates were participating and helping each other. I am just standing by here and wait for the pictures they will post on Facebook. Still crossing my fingers that it will be a great success, hopefully. God help us!

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