Saturday, August 16, 2014

Good Bye Genie!

This week it's been all over the net, about the sudden demise of the famous comedian actor Robin Williams. He committed suicide wherein the cause was still not known. It was a big lost for the film industry because this actor was a very talented one. His fans was been mourning so much. I myself was a fan!

Robin Williams was been an actor for a long time. A very fine actor per se. He is also a very gifted comedian. I love his impromptu jokes and I love the benevolent man he is. I just cannot fathom that he died this week, and I am really puzzled why he committed suicide. Depression can really eat up a person to a point of taking their lives without any reason at all. All of a sudden Robin Williams was been robbed from our midst and the culprit is depression.

Depression is a very bad thing. It doesn't chose it's victim. In fact, it will devoid someone of it's dignity and cause a lot of misery to the one afflicted. It lessens a person's worth and rob them of their senses to a point of harming and killing themselves without even thinking of the consequences of their actions. It is very detrimental to a person's soul and dignity. Imagine yourself without a sense of worth which had succumb someone to commit suicide. That's how depression works.

That's why if you know somebody with depresssion please don't just ignore them. Offer them your compassion and love. Tell them that you love them and that you are there to care. Sometimes they will just shut you but don't gave up on them. They need you during their most tryuing times. Sometimes chemical imbalances in our body causes it so please seek medical help immediately to balance all those chemicals by taking medications. Sometimes medications has its worst side effects so watch out the person when on medication. And most importantly, watch out the person if they say they will kill themselves because they will be capable of carrying the thoughts.

Going back to Robin Williams, I am saddened that he passed away this early of his life. He was young and that he will be missed. That's because he succumbed to depression and he was probably lonely. Too sad! He was a genius.... a very talented person. For sure people around the world who idolized his jocous nature will surley missed him. I am very devastated how depression ruin a person and that it never chose a person to topple. Even a most well-loved person was had swooned on its spell. Very gut wrenching and heart rending.

Robin Williams was an epitome of a successful comedian. I like him in Mrs. Doubtfire. He was fabulous in that movie. I love him in Jumanji which really gave me some heart pounding goosebumps. I venerate him in the movie by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, "Will Hunting", which put him on a pedestal having won an Oscar Award for best supporting acting in a movie role. I even cherished him for his cartoon charater Genie in the movie Aladin. She was very very cunning, funny, and clever in that movie. That's why I titled this blog for this character as a salute for his talent. He was the most sought actor nowadays which gave him an in-demand status. But too bad he was taken away from us by the most dreaded depression. Good bye Genie! I will miss you so much! Rest in peace!

My condolences to his loved ones he left behind with puzzled thoughts. That how depression works. It will confuse your love ones leaving them puzzled why the victim took his life. It will rob your love ones the ability to know why the victim kills himself. As what the saying says........ depression takes away a person as well as your love ones.

In closing let me leave this statement from the actor himself: "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone." - Robin Williams.

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