Well, it seems that I have nothing else to blog here. My mind is a little boggly right now. There seems to be a void that I don't know blocking my thoughts on what to blog here right now. I am just trying to type what my thoughts are right now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Today, I've been to my clinical rotations with the MACC students at Los Angeles Community Hospital (my other part time job). I was pissed off at one or two students who were not really learning their stuff and their drugs as well as care plans. I understand it was their first day today (normally they start on a Saturday and ends on a Sunday) but at least they have to study and know their drugs before preparing it. It was very irritating to see students coming in my clinical rotation not learning from the things they are doing or even at least know the basic principles behind the things that they are doing to their patients.
They were at the facility for more than three months now and for sure they already know their routines. I was surprisingly agitated today because it seems that they were not learning form this whole experience. All they learn is to talk and play with their phones, and that's it! That's why they were exposed in the facility for them to observe and establish their routines but until now it seems that they don't know how to look and identify their drugs, which really made me mad today.
They don't have the initiative to at least study and identify the drugs that they are preparing. I was totally concerned about this type of students because they will kill their patients in the future. They just wanted me to point them the bottles and the packets of the drugs so that they can just pour or punch them on the medicine cups. I asked them, "What if I wasn't there by your side? Can you identify the drug?" She just looked at me blankly and brushed me off. I was pissed and just held my composure. If not I will smack her on the face. Grrr! I told them, "Not all the time that I am by your side, so you have to get used to the fact that you needed to be on your own someday." Aaaah!
Another student was trying to manipulate me today. She asked me if she can leave early tomorrow at around 1100H because it's her daughter's birthday. I told her, "Your clinical duty start's at 0700H (sometimes you come in late.) then it ends at 1530H. If you'll leave early then you'll short with four hours?" Technically, their student handbook says that if they were to undertime they will be marked absent and will make it up for eight hours. And that's your standards according to the California Board of Nursing. "I did not set that standards", I told them. "And besides you all know that in the first place.", I concluded.
I told her to review her student handbook and tell me what she knows about it. And she told me that I am not very considerate about her plight. I told her, "Before you sign up in the nursing program you all know and agreed that you have to complete ceratin hours to complete your program and if you were short of those hours you need to make it up until you completed the total maximum hours required by the course. And you all know that." And then she still continued to jabber quietly byherself. I did not mind her after that. If she's not that condescending to me I moght have considered her plea but showing me that boastful attitude, well that's what she deserves. I don't care if it is her birthday or someone elses. Grr!
The nursing board was always strict about their clinical hours if it is executed appropriately and accurately and that if found out that the student and the instructor were manipulating the hours the instructor will be stripped of his/her nursing license and the school will also be penalized big time. I told her that during their orientation it was also dicussed to them. And I also told the group (I was already angry at that time) that I don't want to lose my hard earned license just because of a lame reason that the student manipulated me to not follow the nursing board's policy. And there was silence after that....... Oh how I long for that silence.
They knew that I was already extremely mad and that was the first time they saw me getting mad at them. It's really difficult to be extra nice to them because they will start manipulating the instructors and have him/her bend the rules which they will eventually abuse and not respect the instructor. I strongly oppose that idea and I already warned them about it atthe outset. Hopefully they will behave appropriately and professionally in the future. Haist....
Now, I am trying to keep my distance at them and set a gap or limit between them because if I am super nice at them they will not respect me and they will manipulate me to succumb to their pleadings. And I don't want that to happen because I have to protect my license as well as my life, too. They just don't know how much sacrifices I have been in order to be professional and successful and reache dthe summit of my academic ladder. They just don't know that , I guess, and they just don't care. (Sad feeling.) I guess, as long as their whims were granted fully, they still don't care.
But hey, amidst the gloomy clouds in the skies the sun is still continuously shining brightly so I just focused on my goals and have them achieved fruitfully in the future. These student's issues in my clinical job was just a minor one that will put me to test my ability to decide well. I mean we have a responsibility to ourselves, our families, and our country that is why as professionals we have to act and uphold our individual tasks as a professional. The world is a big stage and each one of us has it's own roles. Act it appropriately as intended. So I can say that we have to always make a prudent decisons of our actins in order to bask on our success and victories in life someday. Take care!
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