Friday, June 5, 2015

Upping The Level

Just for a note, I realized now that getting tock to being an RN has really been a great toll on me. I think I needed to level up a little bit more. Yeah, I know but it is really hard and I don't know how I can do it.

I mean, the benefit of it will be rewarding in the end and I just can imagine how it will serve me in the future. It will be a struggle and I know a lot of challenges ahead. I just don't know how I will do it.

Juggling three jobs is not easy. I myself was really surprised and confused how I did it. I did not have any inkling idea how difficult it is to have worked like that. I think I am so looney to have done that. I have no idea why.

I think I maybe too ambitious right now, but my goal this year is to start my Masters Program. It's been years that I held it off yet I have no time to start it. So for sure this year I can start processing my admission papers. At least the whole process of admission was very tedious but I will surely process it.

I just heard my former co-worker and friend in Country Villa North had just graduated from her MSN and now she was fully certified already. And I was being left behind. The two of us were been discussing about going to school before and now she had finished her while I am still an RN.

Well, I kind of regretting my decisions and now I felt so ashamed of myself. I mean, I cannot deny there was some jealousy on my part but who's to blame but myself. I've been procrastinating for two years and now that Denise had her MSN I kind of realized how important it was.

If I could only turn back the time. But I cannot. I just have to start now I guess. I never been too late. Hopefully, this will be the great time to do it.

I mean if Denise can do it then I can do it. It just depends how many percent I am ready right now. I am just anticipating the fear of the unknown I guess. And I know it is normal in everything that is new.

Hopefully, things will be okay. God will be with me always.

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