Friday, June 5, 2015


Yeah, I am sorry for starting this blog with a negative note but I just cannot pass this thing to share with you because I thought it can give you a moral lesson. Life has always some unexpected things happening. It's just amazing to realized that a simple situation can teach me how to be emphatic to older people.

I mean these older people were just humans and needed much attention but because of the pressures of work and everyday challenges we tend to oversee their basic necessities and needs. One necessity they need is patience and that is really the best virtue that we needed to learn.

I myself sometimes was very impatient and yes it can't be denied that unconsciously I did it. There were a lot factors surrounding it but it all goes back to the basic and that they're just humans.

Yeah, when I started working in Geriatrics I was a little adamant because switching from babies and pediatrics to older people was a big adjustments. Honestly, it made a great impact on me because I tend to learn the physiological aspects of getting old.

Starting from losing your memory to losing your physical and psychological functions, it was really a great deal. Imagine the way you think that you can still do things you've been doing everyday and all of a sudden you cannot perform them. It will be very frustrating.

These older people experienced that and me as a nurse (primary sometimes) can see it in front of me and that I have to device or think an appropriate therapeutic response so that they will not get upset and understand their situation.

I am in a position of filling in their memory that they cannot do things the way they can do before and that I have to reassure them that I am there to help, guide, beacon, and support them, no matter what will happen.

It takes a lot of skills to do these and as a nurse I am very lucky to have learned such great skill because it not only make me fulfilled but made me happy to have served them.

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