Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Under The Weather

I woke up feeling tired today. As if my back was so heavy and tense. I went to sleep early at 0930 and then woke up early as well at 0145. I just laid down on my bed and cannot sleep anymore. I tried to calm myself with soft music from YouTube and had put a cover on my eyes still I cannot go back to sleep. So I just stayed on bed and browse my Facebook.

I also felt like I'm feeling sick today but it is too late to call off so I brace myself to get at least an hour or half-an-hour sleep or rest. At 1640, I went to take a warm shower and then I felt good after that but still my body felt weak and tired. I didn't have any appetite at all. I decided to pass by KFC today so maybe I just munch something later on before at the parking lot.

I left the house at 1720, and the streets was kind of pack. There was a slight traffic along Western Avenue and then when I exited towards I-10 Freeway, the traffic was still the same on this Tuesday afternoon. When I exited towards La Brea Avenue still the traffic was the same and when I climbed the hills at Ladera Heights towards Slauson Avenue then the traffic was kind of waned a little bit. I still got early at the hospital parking lot at 1810. I was kinda hungry so I ate the little chicken sandwich and the chicken tenders that I bought at KFC.

At 1851, I went in the hospital to clock-in after the guard took my temperature. I'm still feeling tired but I'm here already so I have to make the best of it. I might try taking Tylenol later to ease the soreness and generalized aches that I felt. Maybe I overslept today and the aches was from too much lying down on the bed. Hahaha.

After the huddle, I reported at Center Wing to check the board for my assignment. Today I still have to keep 30A, 31A, 32B, 33AB, 34A, 35A, and they added 35B and 36B for me, making my assignment 9. My LVN is John and my CNA is Sulfise. It's a good team anyway. I gather all my data and then started to chart for my hand-offs and then checked the due meds that I needed to administer.

At 2030, the charge nurse told me that 30A will be transferred to 12B so I need to give report to the nurse in West Wing in charge of 12B which is Kim. I passed my IV meds first then went to West Wing to give report to Kim. Then after 30 minutes ICU transferred another patient to Room 30, which was just vacated by the previous patient. I called ICU and spoke to Are Gennie to get the report of the patient that was just transferred.

All nine patients were so heavy and I have to focus on the two patients that were hypotensive, one is bradycardic and the other one is tachycardic. The tachycardic one had a dialysis tonight and it has to be stopped because he became hypotensive gradually. The dialysis nurse has to give him some NS bolus until his systolic had reached above 90s. The bradycardic ones has also hypotension plus he is hypothermic so I have to turn on the warming machine and put the warming blanket on him.

After cleaning all the patient with the help of the CNA, I finally got my ass on the chair. Vital signs were been ok except those two that I mentioned earlier. Despite of being under the weather I am still here doing a pretty decent job. I can't believe my shift is almost over.

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