Tuesday, May 26, 2015

So Pumped Up

You know what.... I am so pumped up right now. I mean I feel so high that I felt like paper flying up in the air, feeling the freedom of flying alone. But to my agony, I am still at work. Hahaha.

I felt like a zombie trying to imitate their robotic walk. I really don't know what happened but I know what caused it. Actually it was my doing. Hehehe.

Having to work sixteen hours everyday for two weeks...... what could you expect. Hehehe. Of course my body cells have probably achieve some weightless properties. It was a funny thought but I am really super excited having worked like this.

I just cannot understand why I am doing it but I all I know is that I just wanted to work continuously because I just wanted to be around work all the time, because it makes me depress to stay at home during my off days and do nothing but procrastinate.

I mean I just wanted to be productive all the time. Doing things that I usually like to do. It makes me comfortable and at the same time active.

Seeing my friends and co-workers just gave me inspiration to work for the welfare of my patients. It was a very rewarding situation for me to be around them. What a great feeling to have done good deeds.

Aside from what I have explained earlier, it cannot be denied the benefits of money when I work hard. Of course more money for my bank account. Hahaha. Working for twenty to thirty hours overtime (double paid) can bring you a lot of fortune. And it is a fact!

Well, it's been a good feeling coming back here again and blog my thoughts away. That's the number one reason as well why I am so pumped as well because of this feeling of freewill. Free of worries and darkness when I blogged.

Yeah.... that was how I felt as of this moment and I am very very ecstatic about it. How about you? ....... Are you pumped up as well?

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