What do you feel if your boss is weak? I mean, she just doesn't have the professionalism that you kind of expected from a leader, that is supposed to act like she is a firm and intelligent leader. Isn't it devastating to know that she screams at her minions just to get understood? Is that the kind of leader you wanted to work with? How degrading and condescending, right?
Yeah, every leader has her own characteristics but wouldn't it be right if the leader is more charismatic with her subordinates? She should have time to interact with her subjects and ask them some inputs about the workplace. I mean, she has to reach out to everybody and not criticize them for things that were not agreeing to her demands and expectations. People will appreciate it really if the leader is more kind enough to accept her weaknesses and show to her subjects that she is human and also vulnerable to anything and can commit mistakes.
Problem with some leaders are, they just don't want to bend to their subjects despite obviously committed a gross misgivings. There are a lot of types of leadership these bosses can adapt yet trying to use some of these types should be in conformity to the norms or the type of subject being covered by these leaders. I mean, why implement an arcane type of leadership if you know it will cause frustrations and high percentage of intolerance amongst your subjects? It is very alarming yet it always happens.
My boss is the type of leader that easily upset herself without you triggering it. (I think she is menopausing... hahaha.) She's just upset at something without an apparent cause. It was strange but she is very labile emotionally. She is very sensitive all the time and I guess very paranoid as well. I think she's the one triggering it for herself and assume all the responsibilities despite the fact that I suggested to her to delegate the tasks to some who are more capable of the job. But she is stubborn so she got burnt out all the time because of paperwork deadlines.
Our company was just bought by Rockport Nursing Company and you know what happens when there is a buyout? Well, all the managers were just pressured because of the quantities of jobs and reports to be done. So now all the problems comes out, stress were surmounting, and people were just in a haste just to beat the clock.
My boss was a newly designated DON and she is a newbie. Had no experience being a DON. She came on board like a thief of the night not even introducing herself to all the personnel. That's why some staff were clamoring about who was she. She was already on board yet the staff did not met her just for courtesy's sake.
One time she stayed over finishing up something so I thought she wanted to meet the night shift crew. Come shift change she just sneak in at the nursing station returning some charts that she borrowed for audits but she never even introduced herself to the oncoming staff. I mean... what kind of a leader is that? I was just surprised about it and pretended I haven't witnessed the whole fiasco. It was embarrasing to watch.
I mean how can a leader expect something out from her staff if she herself doesn't want to meet the crew half way? It's a shame that she expected the crew to respect her yet she doesn't even exude any professionalism at all. Some of the staff rudely asked me who she was because she was the new face that time and I just whispered to them in a low tone that she was their DON. And then the staff were just nodding their head in unison with mixed confusion and surprise. It was devastating to watch I'm telling you. I am about to melt at my seat at that time but I managed to stick a sly smile just to cover-up for the failure. Hahaha. (I'm an expert on that part.)
Well, I've had had several interactions with my DON where we were on opposing sides and I even got a shout and scream from her on the phone. At first I just set it aside thinking that she was just over reacting and that she will calm down eventually but she did it again for the second time. So this time, I have to gasp a deep breath and interrupt her on the phone and told her to be more professional enough when giving orders or asking request because were both professional registered nurses. And I also told her that I am more experienced than her if she did not happened to know it. And that she still have a lot to take to get into my level. She then hanged up the phone and I was quite surprise about it.
I just realized at that moment that my DON had hanged up on me. I just sucked in all of that and never backed down. I waited for her to call back and she never did. What an unprofessional bitch she is. It was a nightmare!
Well, after that altercation I grabbed an incident report and wrote everything up and slid it in at the administrator's door. What happened after that I don't know. I never got any call from the administrator and I don't want to exhume the case again because I don't want it to back fire on me plus I don't want it to flame up and topple all my senses. Only God knows what He will do to her and I entrusted everything to Him.
I just wanted to protect myself and my experience which I invested in this company for a long long years and that I just keep myself insolently mum because I'm just a helpless minority here in America who doesn't have a stand with some authoritative and bossy bitch. May she rot in the abyss of Hades. (Pardon me Lord.)
In closing, I wrote this blog just to bitch out my frustrations so thank you for being with me and listening at my ranting. I'm telling you it feels good to have it written here and I feel better after that. Thank God!
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