Friday, May 2, 2014

May Reminds Me Of My Dad

I didn't even know that is is May already. The month just breezed through without even my knowing. That's how fast time had elapsed. I am so dead tired from working too much even the changing of the months was not even anticipated.

Yeah, I remember when I was little, in the Philippines, that we used to flocked in the afternoon at the church to offer flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We have to attend the Catechism class first before the flower offerings.

Since it was Summer in the Philippines, a lot of children goes to church to attend the class to learn about the Bible and a lot of religious values taught by the book. My curiousity when I was little was enormous so attending to classes like this excites me which I also excel most of the time.

The month of May reminds me of my dad as well. He was born May 10, 1934. I remember when I was little that we used to celebrate his birthday by killing a chicken and cook a "chicken tinola". Actually, he is the one cooking it because he is also the cook at the house. Hehehe.

When my little sister was born in 1980 it was also on the same day of his birthday. I remember how happy he was that time and he even believed that she was the best gift that he had received on his birthday. He had a big celebrated that time in a restaurant I recalled.

Dad was a role model to us. Complacent and patient, quiet but can be dominant, he was very strict but right at the point. I admired his authority wherein we his chidren obeyed to him with utmost respect. Dad was a good father figure to us. A God-fearing person I know. However, he has some weakness but all in all h eis the best for me. I won't exchange him if being asked to do so.

Dad, wherever you are, Ijust want to let you know that I missed you and I love you very very much from the bottom of my heart. I know you are in peace now with God and I hope you will continue to guide me even though you're not here. Happy happy birthday to you my dear father. Palangga ko gid ikaw!

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