Sunday, January 27, 2013

An Update About Diamond

It's been two weeks now that I have Diamond, the mixed tan chihuahua my students had adopted and rescued from the shelter and gave as a gift to me. So far she is very much okay and likes her new home. She plays a lot and was been very spoiled. She is in good hands.

Last Monday, January 21, 2013, I brought her to a vetirenary clinic near my house in Santa Monica. She did good actually. She was well behave and was trying to get oriented with the clinic. She probably knows that she'll get to go there often so she was very keen in looking and familiarizing around the place as well as getting to know the staff. She is so smart at her age.

We went there at around 1000H because her appointment with Dr. Nunez started at 1030H. We were greeted by the welcoming staff and one of them asked me if we have an appointment. I told her that the dog was scheduled to be seen at 1030H. She handed me the papers to write all the dog's information, since it was our first visit, and I handed her also the papers I've got from the shelter given to me by my students.

After I filled all the paperworks and having the dog weighed the attendant brought us to the examination room and we waited there for a while until the vet intern came in and introduced herself. She talked to me a little bit about the dog's story and she congratulated me for having her. She then checked Diamond and took her vital signs and listened to her heart rate and lung sounds.

She gave me recommendations about Diamond and she told me that she needed extra nourishment to give her calories for her hyperactivity so that she won't lose any weight and also to energize her. She also recommended to give her multivitamins and also told me that they gonna test her for any presence of worms and when the result is positive they will deworm her also at the clinic.

After speaking to the intern she left the room and told us to just wait for Dr. Nunez to come in and check the dog. After a few minutes the vet came in and said hi to us. He also congratulated me about the acquisition of a new pet then he checked Diamond just like what the intern had done earlier. After checking the dog he told me about some things about the her and I asked him lots of questions about the dog's condition and status. So far on his assessment the dog was good but yet needed to gain more weight because she's still a puppy.

He bade goodbye after our long talk to check other animals there in the clinic and told me to wait a little bit because the intern will teach me how to declaw the dog shortly. After 3 minutes the intern came in the room and instructed me how to cut the claws using the clippers and then I asked her about the bathing procedures and she told me about the frequency, duration, temperature of the water, type of shampoo to use, hypothermia, etc.

After declawing the dog she borrowed Diamond from me because she needed to bring her to another examining room to get a stool sample to detect worms. The procedure didn't really took that long for she came back with her after 2 minutes. She then told me that the result will come back after 24 hrs and they will just email me and call me the next day for the whole result. We left the clinic at 1130H after I paid for the dues of the whole visit.

The next day Dr. Nunez called me and asked me about the dog's condition so I gave him a little update about the Diamond. He then asked me if I got the email for the stool exam but he proceeded to tell me anyway. I thanked him for the call and he reminded me about Diamond's next appointment in March.

Last Wednesday, January 23, 2013, after my clinicals at Rosecrans Care Center, I headed to Beverly Hills at Petco Store near 3rd Street and La Cienega to buy things and stuff for Diamond. I bought her a lot of squeeky toys because she loves to bite on those and she delights on the sounds it created. I bought her also some dog food, a new bog bowl, a new bed and some clothes created by Martha Stewart, and a lot of things.

When I got home I showed her all her toys and she wanted to play with it right away. I fed her the new food and she liked it very much. She finished one can. I also sprayed the training spray on the chux so that she will smell it and she will just pee on the chux rather than on the floor. I'm telling you the spray works. She never fails to pee on the chux everytime she wanted to go and not on the floor. She is also used in pooping at the restroom and not in my room. She's a well trained and a good dog. I love her very much.

My problems about her is she just won't stop chewing on things. Yesterday I must have dropped my eyeglases and when I woke up I saw it on the floor and the plastic handle had some dog bite marks on it. Well, I can't do anything about it because it already happened and I cannot reprimand her there because she will be confuse why I am angry at her. I am mad but I am patient for her. She's still a puppy anyway.

This afternoon I saw one of my new towel that I bought from Ikea was been ripped all over but I still held my cool because it was just a towel and besides I needed to reprimand her only if I actually caught her in the act of doing it, as what the intern have told me at the clinic, but it's not apt to do it after the fact. I hope her chewing problem will get over soon. She was still teething at this age and I totally understand that.

I have to schedule her to be spayed before February 19 and hopefully this will help her tone down her hyperactivity at least. I hope for that greatly and I'm also greatly hoping that her chewing problems will stop or abate soon. Good thing she's not a scratcher. Thank God!

Well, having a puppy is a nice feeling. There were some minor setbacks but all in all having a puppy is very rewarding. It eased up my stress level and is very helpful in making me relaxed. Cuddling with Diamond during sleeping time was a very good feeling. She even watched movies with me when I'm tuning to Netflix. She is the cutest dog I've ever seen and a smart good dog at her age. I am very lucky to have her.

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