Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Slight Tremors In Los Angeles

Well, I was in my clinical class at Rosecrans Care Center when we were giving a G-tube meds at the resident in Room 3A when the news flashed that there was a 4.5 RS shakings an hour ago with the epicenter in Loma Linda which is just 8 miles from the facility we are at.

They say there was an earthquake last night also and the one that just happened was an aftershock. Honestly, to me I felt nothing. It seems tha I wasn't really focused at it that's why I did not felt it.

Ever since I was here in Los Angeles in 2000, I never felt any major one. They say that earthquake here in California is usual that's why people are ignoring the minor shakes just like what had happened to me. But the magnitude of 4.5 RS is already too strong to be felt and it seems that I wasn't to accustomed to it.

I know in the past that California has a widespread earthquake emergency drills and whatever will happen, California is already prepared because of those. It was very reassuring that the people are being prepared for any uninvited disasterrs or calamities and that the svope of the preparation was very extensive.

For me, I can say that I am not prepared whatever happens but I count that with the massive campaign of the state to prepare for these calamitiesI am also ready to help. What ever the odds are I will be there to helpnecsuse of my job and the nature of it.

I hope everything will be okay after this aftershocks and that people can go on with what they are doing. although it doesn't hurt to be prepared any time. Who knows. Que sera sera!

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