Well, it's been a long time that the management in the school I am teaching were been struggling to caught truant instructors especially in the clinical areas. There were no ways to just pin them down coming late to work and sending students home early or sometimes go to the clinical area meet up with the students and send them home early after creating some nonsense alibi that sometimes not caught by the higher officials in school.
This is tantamount to cheating the students of their hours as well as the management of the school for money paying them the whole eight hours where in they really didn't work actually. Ad it's a disgrace to have known those kind of professional nurses who chose to be an educator yet not setting a goal example to the students.
It is also unfair for me who was busting my ass teaching the students the right way and the tough way to become promising nurses of the future. Whereas these colleagues were not even teaching these students the right way. But for it's their loss because no matter what happens God knows what they were doing. And there were instructors who got fired for this because students had secretly evaluated them every after clinical rotations and there are some students who really demanded the worth of their tuition they are paying.
In order to curtail this really offensive practices the management in school acquired several cell phones that has a GPS application wherein it can track instructors whether they are in the clinical area or not. There were instructors in the past that does their clinicals at their own homes because they don't have caretakers or nannies for their grandchildren. This is already a violation of the board regulations.
On the cell phone the student and instructors needs to email their attendance to the school generalized email and a secretary will tally those times in the matrix at 0900H for the morning rotation and 1700H for the evening rotation. Then after that will have to turn on the GPS afterwards until the rotation ends at 1530H for the AM shift and 2330H for the evening shift.Quite sleek but there are some loopholes.
I hope this will work for the school management and that the instructors won't abuse it. As professionals they should have set an example for the students as well as will uphold the standards of the school if teaching to them is their passion. It would be a great idea to curtail those manipulative students who really nags instructors to release the group early.
For me it works really to keep this student grounded and that to instill to them the value of integrity rather than degradation of their profession as well as will give them more time to learn a lot in the clinical settings by grabbing the opportunity to observe procedures and perform necessary skills they still needed to imp roe all throughout their student life to prepare them to be a more confident future nurses especially enhancing their memory of medication's properties and also their disorders pathophysiology.
Today, really was a promising day because we started the cell phone attendance and it helped buffer those fussy students who really pushed instructors as well as bully them to dismiss them early. Now there were no escape because anything they do for sure the school will know it eventually and they will get investigated as well as punished accordingly.
Well, in my observation this process of jotting down the attendance will eventually work as long as the instructors will not connive with students. If they will do so, it's just that they have sold their soul to the demons which will eventually be judge. For I always believe in a firm belief that every bad deed will sow a circumstance or consequences thereby this consequences will lead to their fall in the end.
Only the good will be rewarded with praise and prestige and that their integrity will be imitated by their subordinates. Kudos to the management for doing such a bold move to curtail the reign of evil. Now chaos will gone and an organized system will be gradually adapted eventually. It's always the good who will end up as victors in the end. And I can fell it already.
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