I knew Jessi since we were in elementary grades. She went to a private school in our hometown while I go at a public school. But despite the difference of our schools I still knew her and had been occasionally greeting each other casually.
I know her better when we went on the same nursing school during college days. Even though I am ahead of her for one year yet we knew each other well especially during our clinical days. In addition her boyfriend that time, which she ended up marrying, was my family relative and my three big brother's best friend, that's why we even got closer better.
After college we separated ways and we never had any correspondence after that until I heard from my siblings that she got married with my close relative and had moved to America.
It was Spring last year that we got reconnected through Facebook again and started to chat with each other only to know that she was already been battling with pancreatic cancer. After we got reconnected through Facebook there were no times that I don't get any inspiring messages from her on my Facebook account and wall.
She was just a sweet woman trying to comfort me with her wits and wisdom. I couldn't forget her inputs when I was still battling to choose where to do my volunteer work abroad especially in South America. And she was a lot of help to me because of her experiences before.
We also talked about life and her daily struggles in battling cancer, about her family, and I continued to inspire her most of the time not to give up. There comes some time that she was giving up because of the nagging pain that she had felt and I tried to empathize with her feelings trying be be a good listener to her.
But apparently this Sunday morning on my way to clinicals when I opened my iPhone Facebook application to check for my messages I read from Genitz's (my college classmate) entry that my dear friend Jessi already passed away may be last night or yesterday.
I was really shocked upon reading it because we were just messaging two weeks ago when I informed her that Tito Bogart had died after battling laryngeal cancer and I told her to tell Manong Noe (her dutiful husband) because my uncle was his uncle, too, from his mom's side. We were just joking that time when I relayed to her the message and she was also complaining to me that she was refusing the pain meds that was given to her.
I didn't even realized that she was already suffering that time. I thought that she was just joking to me and after that I haven't seen her Facebooking anymore nor messaging me with her inspiring words. Only to find out this morning that she was already gone.
My dear Jessi.... I just wanted you to know that you were always loved by me. You're sweet sweet smile, inspiring wits and wisdom, and boldness to face and fight the challenges of life was an inspiriation to me and to all your friends. You will always be missed by everybody who loves you and couldn't be forgotten.
No more cracking jokes for me, no more inspiring words, no more cautionary advise for me. I always treasured our times together online especially the last moments we had talked through Facebook. Truly, God has the reason why He took you away from us. At least no more pain for you to suffer but eternal peace and happiness for you to enjoy with our Maker.
Yes, the cancer might have won you over but our dear Jessi had won in the end because she is in heaven now happily beside our Creator without pain and sorrow. She is so loved by everybody and had left a legacy to us that life is just temporary and we should make the best out of it by sharing what we have to others.
I won't be saying goodbye to you right now but so long my best friend. Until we meet again in the other part of life. Hope to see you there some day when it is my time.
Rest in peace now and be assured well because your family will always be in good hands. You will be greatly missed by everybody but your legacy will always live forever in our hearts. Thank you for touching my own life with your inspiring views.
Take care now and so long again my dear friend. Thanks for everything once and for all.
Here's the last message I got from Jessi through my Facebook account.
Between Jessi Catedrilla-Palmares and You
Anton Arnel Palmares Palomo March 29 at 1:53am
Jess, kindly tell Manong Noe that Tito Naldo died last week. I just spoke to Tita Pangga. Thanks.
Sent via Facebook Mobile Jessi Catedrilla-Palmares March 29 at 2:45pm
I know. Nanawag man si Nanay Letty diya the same day. Ahay si tito Bogart tawag ko kana...enjoy gid to tana to the last minute. Di ba nagka-throat ca, sige pa paburhot na hay te enjoy every moment gid kuno mo....last nanda kitaay ni Noe sang August pag anniversary nanday nanay. Thanks gid...waay pa takon katawag k tita Pangga. Ga-igod man ako di ka sakit ka likod ko. Nag-refuse abi ako ka pain meds last time, sa Wed next appointment ko. Mangayo dugid ako ka PRN siguro o Duragesic patch. Hopefully maresume ya chemo ko after Easter hay kanami dun daad ya pamatyag ko and besides, nag-work gid Ton. Even just after a week and a half, pag CT nag shrink gid ang mass 2.5 cm! That's a lot. I;m still keeping my hope alive! Gasanlag ya eldest ko ka small baringon hay mangapog kami! Te, thank you gid ha....sakpa gid ako sa prayers mo a.
I feel your loss too, Ton...she was great friend to me too...last time we met was at the party of Richie's Kid. She was full of life then, as i bet she had been 'til the last hour.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I'm glad we have Facebook, by it we can still be in touch with each other's lives 'cause who knows Death will just cheat us in an unexpected hour.
Jessi Mae will surely be missed.
Ton, Thanks for remembering Jessi. I will miss her dearly too. I was crying yesterday when I read Genitz's message. It's hard to imagine that she wrote that message to you just less than a month ago.
ReplyDeleteRest in Peace Jessie! we've only talk vaguely in FB but I can tell you were a very decent and sweet person.. you told me that you were the classmate of my brother.. wish I knew you better! may God bless and comfort your family!