Yesterday, for a start I began walking and hiking at the famous Hollywood Hills. I'd hiked this famous hills before when I first moved here in Los Angeles. So yesterday I began doing it again. Walking is the only means that I can stand aside from running.
I started parking my car at the base of the Griffith Observatory then walked myself towards the closed road going to the Hollywood sign. I decided to locate the famous sign so I trekked the concrete road towards the west side of the hills where the sign was located.
The road had zigzagged uphill and downhill making me huff and puff occasionally. It was a very exhausting hike and I was really sweating a lot. The weather was a little cool and gloomy with some occasional slight drizzle from time to time. I was geared with my hooded sweater, jogging pants, and a RayBan sunglasses.
I jogged at times and walked when I get tired. I walked and jogged a lot for about two and a half hours. My goal of reaching the sign was not realized at this time because I missed the left turn on a dirt road going to it. Instead I went straight and followed the concrete road which I presumed ends towards going to Burbank and San Fernando Valley.
When I realized I walked for a long time and had found out that I missed the turn plus it was already getting darker and it will took me another one and a half hour in going back to my car I decided to just go back and planned to come back the next day to fulfill my goal in locating the famous Hollywood sign.
The next day after I got home from my clinicals I geared myself again with a jogging pants and hooded sweatshirt and went back to the hills with the same aim and goal as yesterday feeling confident that I can locate it because I now know where to make the right turn.
I parked my car at the same spot where I parked it a day before then started to walk on the concrete road and made a left turn on the dirt road towards the Hollywood sign. The weather was also the same as yesterday with the occasional peeking of the proud sun from the blue Los Angeles skies. It was a windy day today.
It took me two hours to reach the location. I have to turn around the highest hill in order to reach the place. Along the trek I met some people which I think had the same goal like me. I have to go uphill and downhill until I reached another concrete road with picket fences.
When I went downhill I realized that I was stowing away from the site so I decided to climb up a little plateau. When I got up the plateau there I saw the beautiful site where the famous Hollywood sign was been standing. I then grabbed my iPhone and took some pictures of it.
It was a good feeling to really have realized my goals. Although I had some hindrances yesterday but I didn't gave up my drive to reach and attain it. I even made some alternatives to make it realized.
Just like in real life, whatever goals we had we shouldn't be discouraged whenever there's some hindrances and trials along the way. We have to face everything bravely and never give up to fulfill our goals. For sure there's always some alternatives to attain what you wanted. Use up all your efforts and will in order to be successful in every undertakings that you will have.
Life is always full of ups and downs. There's always some challenges along the way. This happens to strengthen you and make you more bold in facing the realities of life. We should not give up and we should always be determined to aim for the best.
The hike at the Hollywood Hills was a little challenging but I really enjoyed it. Looking at the beautiful sceneries around and enjoying the peace and quiet of the place were among the benefits I can get from doing the hike. It's not just the exercise I can benefit from it but also the allure and the peacefulness of the place. And I liked it!
With my goals of losing weight I really have to exercise religiously so that I can get the benefits of the hiking. Hopefully, I can do this without any fuss and I surely love it despite of the pains I can get from it. From this I can really proved that there's no gain if there's no pain. And that's the lines that will always inspire me and make me determined to do exercising religiously. And this will keep reverberating in my mind everytime I get lazy from doing it or procrastinate.
I think it's high time now for me to be serious about the effect of not exercising. I know I can do it and I can hurdle all the hindrances that come my way. And yes I really can!
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