Yeah! My blog site is on it's first year now and still standing strong. Although, now I seldom blog that often but I still keep it really working and existing eventhough I blogged that sporadically.
Lately, things at work were in hot waters. I have to resign with my hospital job at the Pediatric Unit because of some unfortunate situations. Oh well, it's a very long story. I remember blogging all my frustrations about that job. And I really poured out my emotions that time.
Now, it's official that I have to gave it up and look for a more challenging and rewarding job for me. It's just that I felt that my efforts of performing my job very well was not even appreciated and I tend to get criticized even with small mistakes which is beyond my control. I don't know, there's always people who always look for some loopholes to put me down.
It was just an unfortunate thing to happen to me although I am not the only one doing it. I think it's better to bury it and not be bitter. There's still more opportunities for me out there. That's why I resigned and leave peacefully rather than facing the danger of getting terminated. I hope it's the right decision for me and I hope God will be with me as I look for some good and interesting opportunities for me out there.
Ah well, so much for that unfortunate thing. Now more challenges had been waiting for me out there. Same thing with this blog site I had put in last year on Easter Day.
Yeah.... Easter had passed already and as promised God had come back to redeem us from sin. And I hope this blog site will thrive longer as I kept it updated and well maintained with some new ideas and innovations about my literary prowess and talents. I tend to improved my grammar better and had amazed myself to come up with some nice ideas sometimes odd ones and it was very uplifting to have come up some.
As I face the new challenges in looking for a new hospital job I will also face some challenges in picking up some topics and ideas on what to blog here. But mostly, my goal of writing something about life and inspirations about my daily routines will be included for sure. That's why this blog was been set-up in the first place.
It's really a very inspiring thing to do and a very challenging thing to come up with some creativity in writing various ideas and topics and I really love it. I hope you all enjoyed it, too.
Whatever the challenges maybe I am always ready to face it and learn from it and from every mistakes I made. For there is no better teacher other than our experiences and mistakes. Granting we are all responsible adults for sure we always remember our own weaknesses which even inspire us to be a more stronger person.
Life is always a challenge and we have to arm ourselves with the tenacity to face every adversaries we may meet along the way. With this we can be a more stronger person compared to before. It will shape us and mold us to be more mature and experienced in our own chosen fields of endeavors.
Kudos to my blog site..... and Happy Anniversary! May you thrive for more longer years and will post more blogs for my wide array of readers of all sorts of life. Thanks for your continued patronage and pray for me to come up for some more interesting ideas for us to enjoy.
Happy Easter everyone and more power to this blog site. Cheers and once again Happy First Year Anniversary!
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