Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Immaculate Mary

Well, I know today is the feast of the "Immaculate Conception." This means that Mama Mary was been destined to be born without sin so that she can be ready to receive the announcement made by Angel Gabriel that she will conceive a baby, which is the Son of God.

Every year we reminded ourselves about this feast, that Mama Mary was been conceived immaculately to fulfill the promise of God to us, sending His own Son to redeem us from the dead. And Mama Mary will be the instrument to that promise. She played the role of the bearer of God's Son to free us from the toils of sin. And we have to thank her for accepting that huge responsibility.

See how enormous that responsibility would be? Yet Mama Mary didn't hesitate to accept the challenge. She has some confusion initially but then she succumb to it because she knows she was been chosen or hand-picked by God for the job and that she is just a humble servant of God, so she uttered those words; "Let Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Such powerful utterance which is still an element of our daily prayers that inspired us everyday.

As I embark on this day celebrating the Immaculate Conception, it reminded me of my mom. How I missed her so much. Despite she left me this year and permanently stayed with our Creator forever, I still recall her part in my life and I am so honored that I had her as my mother.

How I wish she will be here by my side right now so that I can thank her for all the deeds that she have done for me. But I've always know that she is just around looking after me and I can always feel her presence with me all the time. So mom, allow me to thank you for everything for not leaving me always.

In every success I have I know you are there. In every failures I have I know you always cheer me up and lighten my burden. In every challenges I have I know you always made it easy for me to perform it for I never feel it is hard. And thanks a lot for all your precious presence despite of the fact that you are intangible for me now. Thanks a lot!

So as we celebrate the Immaculate Conception, we should never forget to go to church today because it is a very important feast in a Christian calendar. We have to be thankful for Mother Mary for bearing Jesus Christ to be born as a human being to redeem us from sins. And with that great responsibility we were been freed from darkness.

Also, please don't forget to thank your mother for being a part of your being a human being. For without her, we are nothing on this planet. Give them appropriate importance today. Celebrate this day as a second Mother's Day for them because they need to be treated very special.

Mom's are always the light and wisdom of the family. And without them, a family will be worthless because they are the once who brought forth an infant, male or female, to be a part of a family. So mom's shouldn't be outcasted but should be given due importance as well. Agreed?

Yeah, to all mother's of the  world, thank you all for inspiring men, because if not without you the word family wouldn't be possible. If not with Mama Mary our Lord Jesus Christ would not come down to earth and be with us.

Thank you Mama Mary for accepting that big role and for accepting the news that Angel Gabriel have brought you in that isolated place in Nazareth. Thank you for contributing a lot in our lives especially for sharing Jesus to us and for your unconditional love for Him and for us. Thanks a lot Mama Mary!

So guys, Happy Immaculate Conception! Hope you will remember Mother Mary's role in our Christian life. Once again, thank you for your constant patronage! Ciao!

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